The Author

Wendy Monica Winter

WENDY MONICA WINTER is a dedicated educator who lives with her husband, Calvin, in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada. Wendy enjoys bouncing around like Mamma Kangaroo. You can spot her big grin as she plays with kids at the park. She also likes to visit the local mountains to bounce on her mountain bike and even her skis! She loves exploring new cultures and countries on our beautiful planet. In fact, travel inspired her to write her first book. While teaching in Perth, Australia, Wendy came up with this story, Where’s My Joey? Her two award-winning books are part of  a series. so stay tuned for more playful and uplifting children’s books from Wendy Monica Winter!


The WMJ Illustrator

Roxana Antochi

Roxana Antochi is a self-taught illustrator living in Italy. As a child, she was often found in her grandparents’ library, reading and looking at beautiful books. Now, through her art, she hopes to recreate those captivating havens for children. Roxana loves animals, a good cup of coffee, and hiking with her fiancé.

Website: www.roxanaantochi.com


The WMM Illustrator

Yulia Popova

Yulia is a children’s book illustrator and mother of two lovely children. She loves children’s laughter, joy and fun, so her illustrations are always bright and lively. When children choose a book between playing computer games and a book, it’s great! Let there be more wonderful books!

Yulia likes to do yoga, paint watercolors and travel. She is always happy to make interesting acquaintances and new friends.

Email: popova_y_n@mail.ru